Charting data in access
Link a chart to the data on a form or report Create a form or report bound to a data source. Add a chart to the same form or report. Make the Record Source property for the chart the same as the Record Source property for Click the chart, open the chart Property Sheet by pressing F4, and then Charts in Access: Instructions To insert charts in Access into a report, click the "Report Design" button in Click the "Insert Chart" button in the "Controls" group on the "Design" tab Click and drag over the area in the report where you want to show the chart to create a frame After Select the type of chart you want, such as a column chart, and click Next. Assemble the pieces for the chart by dragging all the items out of the boxes in the left panel so you can see the boxes you are using. Then drop the Product Category field onto the Axis box, and drop Units In Stock and Units On Order onto the Data box, click Next.